The Cyples Family
Letters from the New World

6th May 1947
(yours recd April 30th)
Dear F and Family:
Well Fred I think that you are doing fine with the plastering and now to answer your questions As a rule all houses here are plastered ceilings as well and round lath is used but some times metal lath is used (in the form of woven netting with a round of approx 1/2 inch. Plaster boards are occasionally used by those doing the work themselves but is not considered equal to plaster
I note what you say about no word from the booking office and this is what Id do: Go and inform them that :" you have had your passage booked (state the length of time) then ask how many are booked a head of you. Then ask how many there able to and given passage each month stating that this will enable you form some idea as to how much longer you must wait. That if the time is too long that perhaps you had better adopt some other way of going". You must realize that this waiting business is a racket.
There are dozens of ships anchored in the ports (both ocean and river) idle. If there were a war on they'd be able and would provide shipping for a 1,000,000 or more in a week or two. If I were ready to go and it seemed that I must wait 6 or more months I think I'd advertise and in that way contact a sufficient number of others who were also awaiting passage and I'd propose our buying or chartering a small sound seaworthy steamer each person contributing all or a part of his passage money You would have no difficulty in getting an experienced navigator as captain--a fellow passenger- Now if some of the waiting people there did this it would make the Companies take notice. You see if these Govts. really represented the people then they would take steps to furnish them with transport instead of laying up all the remainder of the troop carrying ships. The Govts. would rather let the shipping companies exploit you!
You recall my tenant who went to Eng. last Aug.? He and his wife would like to return I am informed.
Well it looks as if I shan't have you here in time to have you help me to eat the straw berries in the garden.
Your sister with 5 children likely has food enough if children are small but might need some clothing. Find out If so state what , and what sizes (and it would help ????? a Can. who then could convert Eng. sizes into Can. If not state age, sex, and if big, small or medium for age.

P.S. I burn not coal nor wood but saw-dust. Burns like coal but is a cleaner and better fuel. Can't write more for want of space